Alabama House Whisperer is a proud member of ASHI – American Society of Home Inspectors.
Let an ASHI Home Inspector perform your Home Inspection. The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), founded in 1976, is North America’s oldest and largest professional society of Home Inspectors. ASHI’s goals have always been to build customer awareness of the importance of a quality Home Inspection and enhance the professionalism of Home Inspectors.
Only an
ASHI Home Inspector can deliver The ASHI Experience. The ASHI Experience is the ASHI Inspector’s promise to deliver the most technically superior Home Inspections that money can buy, delivered in a manner that is educational, service-oriented and focused on you having an experience you will rave about. is the definitive resource for inspectors, home buyers and sellers, real estate professionals and the media for everything having to do with the Home inspection profession. Contact us toll-free at 1-800-743-ASHI (2744) to learn more. Click here to verify your home inspector is part of ASHI.

ASHI Virtual Home Inspection: Click Here (requires flash)
ASHI Standards of Practice:
Visit ASHI’s website: